Thank you!
First of all, we’d like to tell you how grateful we are to all of you who stuck by us during our offline period. Thank you so much!
Keep Footballia alive!
But the threat is not gone. As you know, in recent months, Footballia has been in danger of disappearing. We’ve improved our protection so you can keep enjoying football history, but as a consequence, our expenses have increased.
How can you help?
Many of you have asked how you can help the project. The best way is to subscribe to Footballia Master. Not only will you make the project stronger, but you’ll get a bunch of cool features in return!
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Que malos eran los arbitros antes y los jueces de linea peores. NO acertaban ningun off-side!!
Un match avec beaucoup d'occasions des deux côtés mais pour lesquelles les Brésiliens se sont montrés plus réalistes surtout sur les buts-poteaux-transversales. Que de déchet en attaque pour les Polonais qui n'ont pas cru en leur chance. Les Brésiliens vont se mordre les doigts de ne pas avoir attaquer en fin de match...
que golaço do Nelinho
MVP: Oscar (Bra). and Dirceu, Nelinho (Bra).