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Russia vs. Sweden

Russia vs. Sweden partita completa

Euro 2008

Da M. Apicella3 Commenti3914 visualizzazioniRusso
Torneo completo
Euro 2008
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Euro 2008
Group stage, matchday 3
Tivoli-Neu (Innsbruck)
18 giugno 2008

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  1. Arjengurico 08 settembre 2020 05:06

    Wheres second half?? Thank you!

  2. Jorge.F 24 maggio 2020 01:00

    I just watch this match to finally could see the first match of the best ever Russian player Andrei Arshavin. What a pity he played for that long in Zenit, He could play in of the top teams in Europe besides Arsenal. Arshavin in his prime was unstoppable

  3. Tim 15 aprile 2020 07:33

    What a team Russia 2008. Yuri Jirkov....