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Hungary vs. Serbia

Hungary vs. Serbia partita completa

Nations League B 2020-2021

Da Danidan1 Commenti223 visualizzazioniRusso
Group stage, matchday 5
Puskás Arena (Budapest)
15 novembre 2020
Mostrare risultato1 : 1

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  1. Magnificante 03 marzo 2021 14:39

    Radonjić goal was scored in 17th, not 7th minute. Also, this is not the same Aleksandar Janković.

  2. Danidan
    Danidan 04 marzo 2021 23:48

    Yes, you are true. But I can't edit anymore, if an admin can make the edit for the minute and the wrong Jankovic. Should be this one (

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 11 marzo 2021 14:59

    Fixed! Thank you.