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VfB Stuttgart vs. Cherno More Varna

VfB Stuttgart vs. Cherno More Varna cijela utakmica

UEFA Cup 2008-2009

Prenio korisnik: Morris1 Komentara218 PogledaNema komentatora

1st leg finished 1-2 for Stuttgart.

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UEFA Cup 2008-2009
First round, 2nd leg
Mercedes-Benz Arena (Stuttgart)
2. Listopad 2008.

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  1. Morris 2. Veljača 2021. 10:39

    I've noticed that the goalscorer in 79' is not Lazarov, but nr. 21 Georgi Iliev, can you please change it?

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Veljača 2021. 12:28

    Fixed, thank you!