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World Cup 2010
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Group stage, matchday 1
Green Point (Cape Town)
11. Lipanj 2010.
x 1234527 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. 2. Ožujak 2021. 09:13


  2. Gerard 11. Lipanj 2020. 08:18

    El inicio de la segunda gran época de Uruguay. Del equipo de 2002 que fracasó en Corea y Japón solamente "sobrevivieron" Abreu y Forlán. Francia clasificó de una manera tristísima y así fue también su Mundial.

  3. Tim 5. Svibanj 2020. 09:13

    We were really the worst team in the world in 2010 ! Anyone would have beaten this Uruguay, but we had Domenech, the nullissime Anelka, Ribéry playing alone and this joke Sidney Govou ...

  4. Eli
    Eli 30. Svibanj 2020. 12:37

    the french curse : we absolutely suck at wc if we've been to the final in the previous edition (2002 and 2010)

  5. 4. Lipanj 2020. 04:14

    More respect for Uruguay, which has won 2 World Cups and has a long history. Do not demerit Uruguay. That France entered the World Cup by a hand of Henry against Ireland