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Switzerland vs. Brazil

Switzerland vs. Brazil cijela utakmica

Friendly 1956


Missing a few minutes. However, this is such a rare 1950s match that we decided to post it nevertheless.

Letzigrund (Zürich)
11. Travanj 1956.
Prikaži rezultat1 : 1
De Sordi36'(a.g.)

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  1. MagicDip 26. Rujan 2020. 14:23

    Thanks You could cut it, it ends at 42:00 I already watched this before, in the video I watched there was only around 20 mn of footage in there, then it was going in circle again with the same footage for the next 20 mn. You should check that in that one as it seems to be from the same source.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Rujan 2020. 09:44

    Thank you for warning us. The video has been cut now.