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São Paulo FC vs. Santos FC

São Paulo FC vs. Santos FC cijela utakmica

Campeonato Paulista 2010

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara4198 PogledaPortugalski

Série "Os Meninos da Vila 3a geração" ("The Boys from Vila Belmiro, 3rd generation series"). Santos is famous for developing young players at its academy. The "Peixe" had 3 generations of prospects that amazed Brazilian football (1978, 2002 and 2010), but, among all of those, the 3rd generation is probably the most successful. With wonderkids like Neymar, the last true genius of Brazilian football, and Ganso, the team would still feature the likes of Wesley and André - from Santos's academy -, alongside young players signed from other clubs like Alex Sandro and Danilo - all of those players would play for Brazil's "Seleção". The mentor of all these kids? Robinho, simply their greatest idol. This team would show Brazil that, in the 2010s, it was still possible to play football as an art, having fun, in other words: the long-lost essence of Brazillian football from the 1970s/1980s. If you like the creativity, unpredictability, skills and the "jogo bonito" that made Brazilian football so famous and victorious, this team is a must-watch. This game serves as a prologue to the 3rd generation of Meninos da Vila, since it's Robinho's debut, on loan from Manchester City and one of the 2002 Meninos da Vila wonderkids alongside Diego Ribas, against the powerful side of Rogério Ceni's São Paulo, with the likes of Hernanes, Marcelinho Paraíba, Miranda and Dagoberto. A victory in this game means the 1st place for Santos in the São Paulo state championship.

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1ª fase - Rodada 7
Arena Barueri (Barueri)
7. Veljača 2010.
Home formation
Away formation
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