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World Cup 1994
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Stanford Stadium (Palo Alto)
10. Srpanj 1994.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Tankinator175 2. Svibanj 2020. 19:13

    As a Swede, this is probably the most exiting for me. I get a little bit annoyed when articles on EPSN and other sports new call every quarter final of this world cup other than this on thrilling. It was a very close game, and that's more thrilling than anything else, I think.

  2. Aaron2980 27. Listopad 2019. 14:57

    Uma pena como el defensor lo deja solo en vez de apretar a Nilsson para que no se de vuelta y lance ese centro al Gigante Anderson, ahi estuvo Marcado el destino de Rumania en su Historia que pudo ser Campeon de este Mundial.

  3. lato 27. Listopad 2019. 02:56

    I was angry about Romania as they humillated us in that world cup (Colombia). But l started to admire that team and quickly became a fan and wanted to be the champions in 1994. Many years have passed but still l am a fan of Romania and l will be ready to cheer them up this November 2019 against again Sweden

  4. Aaron2980 26. Veljača 2019. 20:49

    Gracias señores. Excelente Página.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Veljača 2019. 20:50

    ¡Muchas gracias, muy amable!

  6. copernico 26. Rujan 2017. 14:46

    Good match. HD quality?

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Rujan 2017. 14:56

    There was no HD quality in 1994. It hadn't been invented yet.