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Liverpool FC vs. Swansea City

Liverpool FC vs. Swansea City cijela utakmica

Premier League 2016-2017

Premier League 2016-2017
Week 22
Anfield (Liverpool)
21. Siječanj 2017.
Prikaži rezultat2 : 3

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  1. El 15. Prosinac 2020. 02:42

    these commentators are adorable lol

  2. Z 19. Studeni 2020. 00:01

    what happened to the last goal?

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Studeni 2020. 12:11

    Unfortunately, there was an error in the video. :-(

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Prosinac 2020. 23:41

    Fixed! We got a full copy and now you can see that goal :-)

  5. CallMeDom 4. Prosinac 2019. 17:18

    What´s wrong with Sigurdssons 3rd goal??

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Prosinac 2020. 23:41

    Fixed! We got a full copy and now you can see that goal :-)

  7. CallMeDom
    CallMeDom 2. Prosinac 2020. 12:43

    Thank you ;-)