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Italy vs. England

Italy vs. England cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 1997

Matchday 8
Stadio Olimpico (Roma)
11. Listopad 1997.
x 1234511 glasova

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  1. Reefa 17. Svibanj 2020. 12:43

    Good picture actually . And great commentating from peter brackley - he used to commentate on the seria A games for channel 4 programme Goallazo that ran from 1992 to 2002

  2. maldini35 29. Prosinac 2019. 00:44

    thank u very much , but the resolution is very bad Is there any hd

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 29. Prosinac 2019. 12:18

    There was no HD in 1997, it didn't exist. This is fairly good resolution for the time.