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Hajduk Split vs. Crvena Zvezda

Hajduk Split vs. Crvena Zvezda cijela utakmica

Kup Jugoslavije 1990-1991


Last Yugoslav Cup with Croatian and Slovenian teams.

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  1. Zic 4. Listopad 2020. 10:17

    Neither of the two mentioned matches were a so called symbolic beginning of the Croatian war of independence in 1991. The often mentioned clash between Dinamo and Red Star which many wrongly claim to be the start of the conflict occurred in May 1990 which was almost a full year before the start of the unrest in Croatia. Interestingly Dinamo even played Red Star the following season in May 91 in Zagreb for the last time without incident.

  2. niakola 2. Studeni 2016. 15:37

    is this match the symbolic beginning of the civil war ?

  3. chepanzee
    chepanzee 3. Srpanj 2018. 11:11


  4. CallMeDom
    CallMeDom 14. Listopad 2018. 16:31

    No, it was match between Dinamo and Red Star Belgrade