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Germany vs. Scotland

Germany vs. Scotland cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 1969

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  1. pistaman 16. Srpanj 2019. 03:10

    que jogaço

  2. Andersito 7. Travanj 2019. 02:50

    Disgraceful display by the Scots. :(

    FABRICE 5. Lipanj 2020. 13:33

    We didn't watch the same game...Scotland played very well, wonderful Sepp Maier the german goalkeeper, he was the man of the match.

  4. rostolli 17. Listopad 2018. 04:14

    Maier, Vogts, Beckenbauer; Seeler; Muller; Overath, Bremner; Johnstone, Stein; Gilzean...... What a game!!! Thank You