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Generatia de Aur vs. Barça Legends

Generatia de Aur vs. Barça Legends cijela utakmica

Friendly 2018

Cluj Arena (Cluj-Napoca)
16. Lipanj 2018.
Prikaži rezultat0 : 2
J. Salinas34'

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  1. Morris 2. Ožujak 2021. 22:03

    The second goal is scored by nr. from Barca Legends 11 Gica Hagi. Please fix it.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 11. Ožujak 2021. 14:48

    Yes, we're aware of that, thank you. However, this is a bug that happens when one player plays for both teams in the same match. Given that this is a very rare occurrence, we haven't made it a priority.