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France vs. Finland

France vs. Finland cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 1961

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  1. villejs 28. Ožujak 2020. 14:23

    Some all time greats for Finland here, Aulis Rytkönen #10, Kai Pahlman #8 and coach Aatos Lehtonen was also an important player in his day. Great footage!

  2. Andersito 9. Rujan 2019. 00:49

    <SPOILER ALERT> The result isn´t fair to the Finnish goalkeeper, Anders Westerholm. He really kept the goals down with some good saves, and a couple of great ones. He didn´t get any support from the Finnish defense whatsoever. Mr. Westerholm played for the Finnish clubteam HIFK, Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna, Helsingfors, in Helsinki. He won a couple of titles with the club and was also a prominent player in the clubs handball-team.

  3. pistaman 21. Travanj 2019. 02:26


  4. pistaman
    pistaman 21. Travanj 2019. 03:31

    Piantoni era bola