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FC Barcelona vs. Villarreal CF

FC Barcelona vs. Villarreal CF cijela utakmica

Liga 1ª División 2006-2007

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  1. Ruutu 30. Srpanj 2019. 16:24

    Commentary is in Catalan, not Spanish. Could you correct that information? :)

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 30. Srpanj 2019. 16:27

    Yes, you're right! We'd missed this one! Thank you for pointing it out!

  3. ArmanJnsr 29. Ožujak 2017. 14:10

    Could you please upload the reverse fixture at El Madrigal? I have searched for it since the day after the match and have had no luck so far...

  4. cloud1377
    cloud1377 27. Prosinac 2017. 22:26

    I´ve got it. If you´re still ooking for it, I´ll upload the match to the site :)