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FC Augsburg vs. Borussia Dortmund

FC Augsburg vs. Borussia Dortmund cijela utakmica

Bundesliga 2019-2020

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Bundesliga 2019-2020
18. Spieltag
WWK Arena (Augsburg)
18. Siječanj 2020.

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  1. Rob 23. Veljača 2020. 17:02

    I believe that this game is one for the history books. I was actually watching this live, and I almost turned it off because it wasn't Bayern (I'm still new to this). I'm so glad that I didn't. I remember the commentator saying that Dortmund could still win this 4-3, and there was silence (I think). I, however, chuckled. Anyways, this is one for the history books simply because of Mr. Haland (I've been calling him "The Wunder Kind") scoring a hat trick in 20 minutes in his Bundeliga debut - the first one being only a few minutes after he came in. There's gotta be several records broken right there. I remember thinking "I think I just saw history in the making." Hold on to this one folks.