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England vs. Morocco

England vs. Morocco cijela utakmica

World Cup 1986

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1986
Group stage, matchday 2
Estadio Tecnológico (Monterrey)
6. Lipanj 1986.
x 123457 glasova

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  1. Soli 15. Ožujak 2021. 06:31

    Probably the worst game of the competition. Nil - Nil. Boring. Please do not watch me. England had a man sent off in the first half for throwing the match ball at the referee. This is considered offensive behaviour in the laws of the game and is clearly punishable by a red card as it involves throwing an object. Had the referee yellow carded him for dissent instead, this player would still have been sent off as it would have been his second yellow card of the game. England had the lack of discipline and got several other yellow cards for it. Morocco got a few yellow cards themselves in the second half and should have had another in the first half but were somewhat let off the hook. A bad attitude by both teams which showed especially in the last 20 minutes of the game and Morocco was the more stupid for not exploiting their man advantage and settling for the draw. For any who cry foul at the Maradona handball that got Argentina into the Semis all I have to say is "Please watch this game and see why your team does not deserve to be in the Semis".

  2. sainte67 9. Travanj 2020. 14:35

    A l'époque, l'équipe d'Angleterre commençait à me désespérer. Mais l'équipe marocaine était valeureuse et talentueuse.

  3. Footballia user 7. Srpanj 2017. 13:18

    My bad, the quality is a bit lame but awsome work guys. Keep it up!

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Srpanj 2017. 13:20

    Thank you! That depends on the source file, though. Nothing we can do about that unfortunately!

  5. Footballia user 7. Srpanj 2017. 12:40

    File not found. Update is possible

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Srpanj 2017. 12:43

    The file is there. You just need to refresh the page.