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England vs. Greece

England vs. Greece cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 2001


England could qualify for the World Cup with a tie in this match.

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  1. rida 3. Lipanj 2020. 09:31

    The match between Inter and Roma in 1999, which was the result of 5-4. Unfortunately, the video quality is poor. I hope that a better version of this match will be available.

  2. rida 3. Lipanj 2020. 09:28

    Thanks from the bottom of my heart Super cool site Simple note there are video quality interviews not good

  3. rida 3. Lipanj 2020. 09:26

    thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  4. James2005 16. Siječanj 2019. 17:24

    WOW!!! Thank you tote_alkor and footballia staff for the great content! Nothing quite like David Beckham in his prime

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 16. Siječanj 2019. 18:22

    Much appreciated! :-)

  6. ecom23 16. Rujan 2018. 23:54

    One of the greatest qualifying games

  7. Ruutu 16. Rujan 2018. 22:26

    Holy f*ck!!! I've been searching for this match for ages now! Great job!