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CR Flamengo vs. SC Internacional

CR Flamengo vs. SC Internacional cijela utakmica

Campeonato Brasileiro 1987

Prenio korisnik: Pelz2 Komentara1852 PogledaPortugalski

This was the first (and it would be the last) championship that Zico could play without suffering any major absences due to injuries since 1985 - when his career nearly ended after a terrible sliding tackle on him in a match against Bangu. He was like a divinity for the fans and the young players that grew up in Flamengo's Academy like Leonardo, Bebeto, Aílton and Zinho (Jorginho came from América-RJ and Renato Gaúcho from Grêmio, but they idolized Zico as well). They were dying to help the number 10 conquer an important title one last time for Flamengo. This match also meant a lot for Leandro, since it was a chance for him to do a big comeback as well after a series of injuries that made him switch from right defender to central defender. The Internacional team didn't have anything to do with that and were ready to be the champions at Maracanã. The heavy rain that fell on Rio de Janeiro that day could hinder Flamengo's ball possession game and help the strong defence of Ênio Andrade's Inter, but, if they wanted to spoil the party of the "Rubronegro" they'd need to play offence as well. The legendary defensive core of Taffarel, Aloísio, Luís Carlos Winck and Norberto was ready to give confidence to the Colorado's attack.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Copa União - Final, 2a mão
Maracanã (Rio de Janeiro)
13. Prosinac 1987.

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  1. Cauã 22. Ožujak 2021. 05:12

    87 é do Sport.

  2. Cauã 22. Ožujak 2021. 05:12

    87 é do Sport.