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Cameroon vs. England

Cameroon vs. England cijela utakmica

World Cup 1990

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1990
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San Paolo (Napoli)
1. Srpanj 1990.

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  1. ilgenio21 9. Srpanj 2021. 19:09

    A masterpiece...David vs Goliath...the only time during this wc i SHOUT when Ekeke scored a goal...i was totally with the Lions from Cameroon, not the 3 Lions...Cameroon 90 is still the best african team during a WC...even though Ghana was in QF in 2014, they absolutely didn't match the magic of this 90 Cameroon team.

  2. pendares 26. Ožujak 2021. 22:28

    How different football was back then!

  3. dangerous abu dhabi 12. Prosinac 2020. 20:45

    england's last claim to glory.cameroon were on top form too

  4. BARESI2 14. Rujan 2020. 02:54

    I can't watch the game in my LG smart tv.

  5. John Rushing 7. Lipanj 2020. 19:43

    Nothing more wholesome than listening to Ron Atkinson offer his opinions on the characteristics of African footballers. Gather the family around the fireplace.

  6. Rauzer 18. Listopad 2018. 18:06

    In my opinion the best match of this wc. Full of well played football and with a lot of suspense untill the very last minute.

  7. Elvin 20. Listopad 2017. 10:26

    No extra time or penalties

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Listopad 2017. 14:24

    As we told you when we replied to your previous comment on a different match, it's all there, it's just divided in 2 files.