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Brazil vs. Croatia

Brazil vs. Croatia cijela utakmica

World Cup 2014

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2014
Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Group stage, matchday 1
Arena Corinthians (São Paulo)
12. Lipanj 2014.
x 1234531 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Manguitoclasico 12. Veljača 2021. 20:08

    Muy bueno y todo pero 5 horas para ver un partido

  2. HeberX 31. Svibanj 2020. 20:13

    This site is more crap than my piru

  3. chrisarron13
    chrisarron13 2. Lipanj 2020. 05:09

    Dont use it. We are lucky to have it. Nobody making you use it.

  4. walter junior
    walter junior 24. Prosinac 2020. 18:21

    go suck your mom

  5. DragonBaller 17. Svibanj 2020. 08:56

    Toma local. Regalito de penal.

  6. Dazer 3. Travanj 2020. 22:13

    Don't you have english commentary

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 4. Travanj 2020. 11:20

    Please check our FAQs section regarding the language of the matches.

  8. Shivansh 3. Travanj 2020. 07:54

    Really happy to have found such a site at a time when no football is being played. Incredible!

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 3. Travanj 2020. 11:13

    Thank you!

  10. pele 2. Travanj 2020. 07:58


  11. Ryudek 21. Siječanj 2020. 23:15

    Thanks for this incredible site! Do you guys have, by any chance, the typical stats that are shown in the halftime? And by that I mean the official one shown on the broadcast, like, the design, since I'm doing some research to make an scoreboard of this World Cup for a videogame. Is it possible that you have that footage?

  12. Footballia
    Footballia 25. Siječanj 2020. 21:26

    Sorry, we can't help you with that.

  13. vika01 19. Listopad 2019. 23:38

    @omruu9: No videos on this site is in HD.

  14. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Listopad 2019. 09:35

    That's not correct. Most videos from 2016 onwards are in HD.

  15. Danilo 2. Srpanj 2019. 02:43


  16. omruu9 18. Svibanj 2018. 20:00

    nice but not in hd

  17. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Svibanj 2018. 20:58

    We didn't have the technology to record in HD at the time. If you have a better looking copy, we'd be happy to replace it :-)