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Berliner Dynamo vs. AS Saint-Étienne

Berliner Dynamo vs. AS Saint-Étienne cijela utakmica

European Cup 1981-1982

Prenio korisnik: M. Apicella1 Komentara2068 PogledaNema komentatora
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European Cup 1981-1982
Preliminary round, 2nd leg
Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark (Ost-Berlin)
1. Rujan 1981.

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  1. Bazza 11. Listopad 2020. 08:04

    Tried three times to watch this - keep getting an error message "File could not be played." Not the fault of my PC as I can play other matches; just not this one.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 13. Listopad 2020. 11:42

    The video seems to work correctly. Did you try a different browser or a different device? What browser and device are you on?