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Arsenal FC vs. Tottenham Hotspur

Arsenal FC vs. Tottenham Hotspur cijela utakmica

First Division 1988-1989


Check out the live reinstallation ceremony of the famous old clock of Highbury with a funny interview of George Graham and Terry Venables. // There is also a Paul Gascoigne interview at half time, who is not fully fit and out of the squad, but still comes out of the Spurs dressing room.

First Division 1988-1989
Week 20
Highbury (London)
2. Siječanj 1989.
Prikaži rezultat2 : 0

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  1. RAF43L 6. Srpanj 2020. 21:01

    Week 20, not 19

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Srpanj 2020. 18:05

    Not according to our source. Please share your source so we can contrast the information if you still think you might be right.