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Académica de Coimbra vs. FC Porto

Académica de Coimbra vs. FC Porto cijela utakmica

Primeira Liga 2010-2011

Prenio korisnik: Ruutu0 Komentara1221 PogledaPortugalski

Parts of the match are missing due to bad weather in Portugal at the time which had an impact on the broadcast and on TV reception for some Pay-TV subscribers in the country (traditional free-to-air terrestrial analog TV went largely unaffected by TV reception problems, but there's no copy of the FTA broadcast on TVI available and it would also suffer from the same broadcast issues as this SportTV broadcast). The final 18 minutes plus injury time have no audio due to delayed audio in the original file which was corrected with the drawback of leaving the final 18 minutes of the match with no sound whatsoever.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Primeira Liga 2010-2011
Jornada 9
Estádio Cidade de Coimbra (Coimbra)
30. Listopad 2010.

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