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Ajouter un commentaire
Ce match marque les limites du Tiki-Taka. A quoi sert-il de faire mille passes ou plus dans un match pour si peu d'occasions et un but marqué grâce au mollet d'Ignashevich. Leur domination technique a été de tous les instants mais pour quelle efficacité ? Le seul joueur dangereux a été Rodrigo et n'est rentré que durant les prolongations. Les Russes ont été courageux et ont joué avec leurs armes bien aidés par un superbe public au Luzhniki. Mais quelle déception pour la Roja !
Muchas gracias
Gracias, una pagina excelente.
¡Muchas gracias!
haces un buen trabajo manteniendo la pagina, y trabajando para traer mas partidos. muchas gracias :3
Te lo agradecemos, nos esforzamos todo lo que podemos.
If you have this in English that would be sick, great website. By the way if you want even more for your library rutracker.org has many torrents for games you are missing at other tournaments :D Love the site though couldn't believe a place like this exists where you can just click play and rewatch old matches without downloading.
Much appreciated! However, this being a match between Spain and Russia, it should be either in Spanish or Russian. Russian would make the most sense as it's more memorable for Russian fans, but for lack of that, Spanish makes the second most sense. :-)
Have we got a way to download the file of the match?
The matches are not available for download. Footballia is a historic archive, rather like a library, not a book shop, but in no case is it an NGO ;-)
non si vede e bloccato
It's not blocked, I think that you got problems because you are using your cellphone, try to watch it through your computer.
Oh, forget it, it was July 13 lol
non si vede la partita?
Adesso si vede ormai. Le partite si vedono dopo 30 giorni al più presto.