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Germany vs. Austria

Germany vs. Austria match complet

World Cup 1982

Tournois complet
World Cup 1982
Ce match est divisée en 2 fichiers. Laissez la première vidéo jouer jusqu'à la fin sans l'arrêter et la vidéo suivante démarrera automatiquement.
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Group stage, matchday 3
El Molinón (Xixón)
25 juin 1982

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  1. fusheng1974 jeudi 15 juillet 2021 00h47

    The match not complete

  2. Footballia
    Footballia jeudi 23 septembre 2021 23h38

    This is the only copy we know of.

  3. crotalus dimanche 04 octobre 2020 19h49

    Alemania y Austria una verguenza

  4. mortenry mardi 01 septembre 2020 23h01

    Though both teams participated in this parody, I think Austria must take most of the blame. They were simply not interested. It's evident already in the first minutes, and eventually Germany played along.

  5. descamps18 mercredi 20 mai 2020 06h54

    After watching the BDR - Chile match, anyone else of the opinion that Kalle Rummenigge was not in full form to play this match? He was badly injured. Littbarski and Schachner tried, but the team was not cooperating so they gave up.

  6. FanduFCRouen lundi 27 avril 2020 22h39

    Le match de la honte

  7. Mauro Alegretti vendredi 21 février 2020 06h01

    MVP: Littbarski (Ger).

  8. mel lundi 19 août 2019 22h33

    if Algeria been same position they ll do same like germans and austrians

  9. VoJKaN ThE CrAzY ReD DeViL
    VoJKaN ThE CrAzY ReD DeViL lundi 30 mars 2020 17h46

    Algeria would do the same but Austri would have attacked them its simple...

  10. Milan Dagobert
    Milan Dagobert lundi 01 juin 2020 13h14

    Exactly! And not only Algeria. And many teams did so.

  11. Mustangdz
    Mustangdz lundi 30 novembre 2020 07h28

    but it was not the Algerians who did that

  12. Rubenilson of anarchy
    Rubenilson of anarchy samedi 12 décembre 2020 18h24

    "if" is not important, what happened was about Austria and Germany, it was not about others countries. And even with an "if" im not sure about algeria doing the same... They were leading 3-0 in 35 min against Chile and they keep the ball alive, they were still attacking and Chile's 2 goals killed them. Like France vs Germany in semi-final leading 3-1 in overtime and still attacking...

  13. joão conceição mardi 13 novembre 2018 01h51

    partido corrupto

  14. Rafael Silveira dimanche 11 novembre 2018 23h33
