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East Germany vs. Germany

East Germany vs. Germany match complet

Pre-Olympic Tournament 1963


For the 1964 Olympics, the West German and East German governments decided to run together and formed a unified team in all the participating sports. Football was not far behind and in the first qualifying round both republics faced off in a two-leg match to see which team would form the unified German team, although the Eastern one was formed with semi-professional players and the Western only by amateurs. In the second round of qualifying, the Germans would face the Netherlands, and subsequently the USSR, thus achieving the qualification. The 2nd leg result would be 2-1 for West Germany. The minutes of the goals have been taken from the video files. Consequently, there might be some inaccuracies.

Ce match est divisée en 2 fichiers. Laissez la première vidéo jouer jusqu'à la fin sans l'arrêter et la vidéo suivante démarrera automatiquement.
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Preliminary round, 1st leg
Ernst-Thälmann-Stadion (Karl-Marx-Stadt)
15 septembre 1963

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