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Argentina vs. Germany

Argentina vs. Germany match complet

Friendly 1982

Par Satori3 Commentaires3326 VuesAllemand
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Monumental (Buenos Aires)
24 mars 1982

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  1. MagicDip jeudi 14 mai 2020 20h03

    The players had the classic Argentine number system: Olguin the right back had the n°4 and Tarantini the left back, the n°3. The German commentator had probably his notes mixed up since he kept referring to Tarantini as "Olguin".

  2. Footballia
    Footballia vendredi 15 mai 2020 11h38

    Thank you for pointing it out. You're absolutely right, Olguín was usually the right back in this team, #4, while Tarantini was usually the left back, #3,

  3. lundi 08 juillet 2019 01h58


  4. Lukittaz jeudi 16 août 2018 17h42

    Excelente gracias!