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¡Que Footballia siga adelante!
Pero la amenaza no ha desaparecido. Como sabéis, en los últimos meses, Footballia ha estado en peligro de desaparición. Nos hemos protegido mejor para que sigáis disfrutando de la historia del fútbol, pero debido a ello, nuestros gastos han aumentado.
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Muchos nos habéis preguntado cómo podéis ayudar al proyecto. La mejor forma es suscribirse a Footballia Master. No sólo fortaleceréis el proyecto, sino que también obtendréis un montón de funcionalidades que os encantarán.
Añadir un comentario
So much genius in one game! This was really high quality football and very immersive to watch. Really enjoyed the pace that the game was played at and the referee allowing play to continue as much as possible. These were two teams playing their styles of football (Spanish possession vs Italian solidity and counter-attacking) at a really high level and the draw was probably deserved. The Spain midfield was a joy to watch and Andres Iniesta especially was at his other-worldly best.
Great opening game of group c! Spain dominated the match but Italy also fought surprisingly well and gave the favourites a run for their money.