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Ninguno quiso arriesgar . E Italia ganó por el cansancio de Inglaterra
Such a bad game was and even uruguay suprised they made scored which soviets was better.
Picture this: it's Sunday, June 14th, 1970. Quarter finals at the World Cup. England and Germany writing football history, Italy scoring four goals in one game (how often do you have that?), Brazil and Peru celebrating Latin American football delight, and then you have... well, this. But what else can you expect with two defensively-minded sides both expecting the other one to make the running? It wasn't really until the second half of extra-time that the game finally started to pick up a bit, both teams obviously dreading the coin toss (nowadays they would rather operate for the penalty shoot-out than to take any unnecessary risks). But in all fairness I think it's safe to say that the ball wasn't out and Uruguay were overall the slightly better of two underwhelming sides. But all in all a very weak match indeed. The only game more boring than this one probably being Italy v. Uruguay (wait... Uruguay again? I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here...)
Forgettable game but was won by a really good piece of skill (the ball definitely didn't go out)
One of the most boring football matches I've ever seen. Doesn't match with the quality of the 1970 WC at all
gol polemico, porém foi legal