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I can’t understand why 11099 people watched this awful game....
good game but bad quality
Upload 1st leg please
por favor subid la ida de esta eliminatoria, son unas semifinales de champions... seguro que alguno de los usuarios de footbalia tiene ese partido
Dreadful match. Terrible.
I totally agree, Its only uploaded here because it was a semifinal and Real Madrid ended winning the trophy. I wouldn´t have uploaded it otherwise. I could upload the first leg too, but I won´t if anybody asks for it. Dreadful matches, and a very unfair title for Real Madrid, if you ask me
I agree with you. I never said it shouldn't be on here. It's just that I saw it and had a flashback to that night and how bored I was during the match.
Cloud1337 can you upload 1st leg ? please
@cloud1377 Yeah dreadfull matches and the final wasnt something special but Real won it fair and square.Both Man city and Atetiko couldnt beat them so i woudnt say undeserved title but compered to 2013/14 or 2016/2017 or even 2017/2018 it was poor performaces from both set of teams...