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Añadir un comentario
Messi luck
why didn't you indicate that the commentary is not English? you use English into fooling people to register only to find out all your commentaries are in Spanish .That's not impressive at all. let me delete my account.
Just delete it is very hard to find a match from 2004 and there is the possibility that even this match wasnt commented in English on live
The language of the commentary is indicated right below the video. Why would English fool people into registering? We have matches in any language we can find them, especially if it's the language of the teams involved.
for those ho love football for those ho love messi
funny messi is the only player not spanish in the match
October 7 2000 Brazil league games same thing happens believe it is Santos
Impresionante poder ver estos partidos!!
Tener la posibilidad de ver a Messi dando sus primeros pasos, en el camino a convertirse en el mejor jugador del que los ojos del mundo han sido testigos, no tiene precio para el que disfruta el fútbol. ¡Me encanta Footballia!