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Pero la amenaza no ha desaparecido. Como sabéis, en los últimos meses, Footballia ha estado en peligro de desaparición. Nos hemos protegido mejor para que sigáis disfrutando de la historia del fútbol, pero debido a ello, nuestros gastos han aumentado.
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Añadir un comentario
A fast and very hard working final from both sides where many players ended up sweating hard at the end of the match. Egypt had the possession and the missed chances in the first half which they could not convert. In the second half both sides worked hard but Egyptian pressure caused the Cameroonian fullback Song to go back instead of forward and this cost Cameroon the game through some good work from Zidane and AboTreika. Both teams went for power rather than accuracy in front of goal, thus why they missed many chances. This final could have been played smarter rather than harder as was the case here.