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This game is in excellent quality on Youtube, you should upload that version
Thank you, we'll look into it.
Back to the Future was not originally done in 720p format, it was filmed in 35 mm, which was remastered in 720p for the commercialisation of a Bluray .Apples and orange. Best quality you're going to find for a game of that era, unless it has been remastered at high cost, will be at best Super VHS or Betamax, which still going to be around half the quality level of a DVD.
Game from a tournament that was a bit like the ancestor of the Confederation Cup in spirit. It features a rather acrimonious match that will put more fuel to the everlasting feud between Argentina and Brasil. This is Brasil Joga Bonito era enough said, on the other side we notice a certain 20 year old named Maradona , once again enough said!
Video wise quality is what you expect from a non-remastered copy from this era not great but more than decent , tv production values are top notch for an early 80s broadcast. Main downside is the audio which was not properly recorded so you end up with one audio channel working well and the other making noise.
Back To The Future, which was filmed in 1985, was in 720p, and this game is in 144p, maybe 240p, so I'm wondering why they didn't have cameras that film at least 360p in 1980.
Cinema cameras and tv cameras are a different thing. You have colour movies from as far back as the 1940s, yet the earliest colour match we've seen from tv is from 1967-68.
Game from a tournament that was a bit like the ancestor of the Confederation Cup in spirit. It features a rather acrimonious match that will put more fuel to the everlasting feud between Argentina and Brasil. This is Brasil Joga Bonito era enough said, on the other side we notice a certain 20 year old named Maradona , once again enough said!